But thing there is that not go’

by Paul Coppini



But! what there is that it doesn't go'

Between us from a po'di time in here

But! What there is that it doesn't go'

While the time passes and goes.'

You said that I was

Everything that that you wanted

But! what there is that it doesn't go'

But thing is changed in us.

A reason there will be

And I don't care so much it will pass

A reason there will be

But! my love won't change.

I know that one day you will return that

What I never forget me

But thing there is that it doesn't go

I know that the love doesn't have age.

But as I do to understand if

If you are tired and you want dormir

the truth you never say

And you hide her/it inside you.

But as I do to understand if,

I don't know what you want from me

One day will perhaps change

while the smile will return.


You come here among mine

Braccio love

Allowed to tighten strong to me.

No not to say anything knows

I will understand him/it looking at your eyes.

We go far away

to find again the emotion

of this love that

it is born again among us.

We go away love

from this city that it doesn't give us

more time for us

what we want to love more us.