I don't believe

by Paul Coppini


No! I don't believe anymore

To this liberty of mine

What I bring me inside

And that at times I feel

What it makes me feel rebellious

Under a sky of stars


No! I don't believe anymore

In this love of mine

What I have closed inside heart

And that it holds me imprisoned

Of two great and black eyes

How dazzling lighthouses


I don't see and I don't think

This way I am happier

I do me my facts

This way give me the time


I cry I laugh and I have a good time

As a flower in the desert

I am alone with myself

Among the crowd or to the latrine


No! I don't believe anymore

To all this people

It is to what you/they have said

Because too much you/they have tangled

For money or for power

That am accursed!


I believe

Only to a God

You! However my is alone

What it tells me whether to do

And the road to be followed

It is a great and strong God

And with him you don't fear the death


I don't see and I don't think

This way I am happier

I do me my facts

This way give me the time


I cry I laugh and I have a good time

As a flower in the desert

I am alone with my self

Among the crowd or to the latrine.